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Involvement in the project
Sketch App
  • Worked closely with the Design Lead and the Product team.

  • Ideation process involved sketches and low-fidelity wireframes.

  • Created high-fidelity wireframes and prototypes using Sketch App and InVision.

  • Agile methodology approach with stand-ups and retrospectives.

  • Participated in creating and maintaining the OLi Sketch Library.

  • Used of the Microsoft Teams design system to keep the UI consistent.

OLi UI-01.png
About the project

OLi, short for One Lendlease Interactive, is a digital mentor platform that helps Lendlease's internal teams in delivering development projects. It integrates all the processes and knowledge required for a development project and turns it into a fully-digitised project lifecycle.

The product team responsible for the OLi project has a deep understanding of the various internal processes required to move a development project from Origination to Delivery. The design team and the product team worked closely together, with the latter providing requirements via meetings and documentation. The two teams held regular follow-up meetings to discuss and validate each design decision before proceeding with development.

After design approval, the design team would present the final UI to the development team, making any amendments if necessary.

The platform was integrated directly into Microsoft Teams. We used elements from the Teams Design System to ensure a cohesive visual integration within the application. However, due to the project's complexity, we also developed our own UI components. This led us to create the OLi Design Library on Sketch.

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